Using Sewage Sludge as Fertilizer

The dried and pulverized sludge from sewage-disposal plants is used as a fertilizer not only for lawns and flowers but vegetables as well. Therefore, would not the liquid and sludge from septic tanks, after it has passed from the first compartment and just before it passes into the third or final compartment, be a good … Read more

Soil Sterilization

What are the different ways to sterilize soil for seeds? Steam, very hot water, and chemicals, such as tear gas (chloropicrin), methyl bromide and Vapam. How does the gardener sterilize soil with steam? Make a soil pile 12 ins. deep. Place 4 ins. agricultural tile 2 ft. apart in center of pile and running full … Read more

Artificial Soil

What is “Cornell Mix” – used for starting seedlings? It is mostly horticultural-grade vermiculite plus nutrients. To make a peck of the mix, use 4 qts. of vermiculite, 4 qts. shredded peat moss, 1 teaspoonful of 20% superphosphate, 1 tablespoonful of ground limestone plus 4 tablespoonfuls of a 5-10-5 or similar fertilizer. The limestone should … Read more