Planting Hydroponically Can Save You A Lot Of Money

Choose The Best Hydroponic Supplies Wouldn’t you love to serve dinner or fresh, organic vegetables and herbs without breaking your budget? If you have a touch of the green thumb for science and stay-at-home hobbies, hydroponic gardening may be the perfect addition to your household. Hydroponics is a cheap and straightforward way to grow your … Read more

Harvesting And Saving Seeds From Your Own Garden

For me, seed harvesting is one of the greatest joys of gardening. It’s my little way of sticking it to corporations like Monsanto and helping to foil the diabolical plan for a so-called “suicide seed” that would not only not be able to germinate but that could potentially infect farmers’ crops everywhere and thus replace … Read more

Worm Composting At Home

So you want to grow lots of healthy plants but don’t want to spend money on compost or fertilizer? Maybe you would like to start a compost heap in your yard, but you live in a townhouse or apartments, and your neighbors or HOA would not approve. What to do?? Well, there is a way … Read more

Garden Ponds For Landscaping

The pond area and terrace with Summer House in an aquatic garden

At the base of your rock garden adding a garden pond with fish and water plants, with a fountain in the center and colored lights on the bottom shinning up will add beauty to your rock garden and landscape. Depending on the size of garden pond you are planing, you should be able to purchase … Read more