In using leaf mold as a fertilizer should it be used liberally or sparingly?
Leaf mold is not a very high-grade fertilizer. It is a good soil conditioner, and as such can be used liberally – a covering 4 ins. deep is all right.
What effect do pine needles have on soil?
They acidify it, and help improve condition. They eventually add humus.
When should fallen leaves be used?
After decomposition; apply to soil at any time of the year.
Last fall I spaded my garden a foot deep and on the bottom I put a heavy layer of maple leaves. This was covered over with a foot of earth. Was this worth while?
It would be better to spade leaves into the soil in the fall; or let them decay first and add to soil later.
How do hard maple tree leaves affect the soil if left where they fall over winter?
It is better to compost them. Little value if left on top of soil.
Do large quantities of mixed leaves (elm, maple. oak, beech) make good fertilizer when rotted?
They make a good soil conditioner but are of comparatively little fertilizer value; not nearly so effective as manures unless a heavy dosage of fertilizer is added in rotting them.
Is it true that the leaves of silver leaf and other poplars, spaded into the soil, are toxic to the growth of flowers?
Will oak leaves make the ground sour?
No. When decomposed, they make an excellent soil conditioner. Used in quantity, they will make the ground acid but only temporarily. They are frequently employed for this purpose.