Container Roses
Container roses are a great addition to your home giving you beauty where needed. They will give your patio or porch a lift by adding color, and with some roses a sweet scent.
Container might be right for you if you don’t have space or enough time to care for a garden.
There are many advantages to growing container roses. If you live in an apartment and don’t have a yard or garden, this is a great solution. They can be placed on a patio or moved around and placed where you feel they look just right.
Container roses are easy to move or transport as long as you take care to handle gentle, some larger containers roses can be quite heavy when containers are full of soil.
With large containers make sure they are in place before planting and be sure you can rotate them so each side of the container roses gets enough light exposure. When thinking about a location for your container roses, keep in mind light exposure, ease of watering and temperature. Container roses have the same requirements as roses planted in the ground, they need six to eight hours of sunlight no matter what.
Not all roses can be used for container roses, you need to do a little research, I feel the best would be a shade rose.
Size of the container is important for container roses, you can plant the container roses closer with other plants in the container than you can in the ground, but remember they still need root room and enough room for air to circulate. Don’t use to small of a container, this is a common mistake.
There are many different types of containers you can use for container roses. Most come in dark plastic which they can be left in but remember dark colors attract heat and your plants will dry out quicker.
Try to use a light color container, you can use wooden or ceramic planters. You want to choose one that is practical yet attractive for your container roses size,color and surroundings.
When selecting a container for your container roses you need to make sure it will provide good drainage. Some pots are attractive but don’t have the holes to allow proper drainage of excess water.
Use a high quality soil for roses, this can be purchased on line. Or make your own using top soil, compost, and other organic material.
When you water your container roses don’t over water or under water. Water drains out of containers more quickly than when planted in the garden. It is important just as it is outdoors not to get excess water on the leaves, this can cause your container roses to become sick and die. Use a good plant food for roses to feed your plants.
Prune your container roses as needed and watch your roses for signs of disease or pest infest-ion, this is more important with roses indoors.
Container roses are more sensitive to heat and cold and will freeze more quickly than roses in the garden. You need to give extra care to prevent problems and bring in over winter.
Fragrant Climbing Roses
Climbing roses will add great beauty to your garden and yard, weather you have full sun or partial shade a fence to cover or an arbor entrance to the garden climbing roses will brighten them up.
Climbing roses are a popular plant for vertical gardens. Botanists don’t consider them true climbing plants like vines, because they don’t grow their own structures to hold onto a surface.
If you are interested in growing climbing roses you can buy a trellis or arbor on line so that they have a suitable place to grow, or you may want to train your climbing roses to grow over a fence, a pillar or garden structure.
You can find varieties of climbing roses that bloom during the entire growing season (ever bloomers) or that just bloom in spring (spring bloomers).
You can find climbing Grand floras, Climbing floribundas, Climbing polyanthas, Climbing hybrids teas and Climbing tea roses all on line.
When you’re ready to plant your climbing roses, you’ll need to take into account the following factors. The size of your yard or garden, soil and sunlight requirements, the type of structure you want your climbing roses to grow on, the height and size and frequency and color of blooms.
When growing climbing roses always consider the soil and sunlight needed, You can add a good compost to the soil to improve drainage and fertilize with a good organic rose fertilizer(can be found on line).
Most roses like sunny warm conditions, if you don’t have a space that offers six to seven hours of sun, There are varieties of climbing roses that will grow in partial shade. Hybrid musk roses are good choices for a partial shaded area.
Climbing roses vary in how tall and how ample they will grow. They can get up to thirty feet like the climbing Cecile brunner, or more humble seven feet tall like the Westerland rose. Just remember to be realistic about how much time you have for gardening and pruning. Also make sure you pick a rose that will fit in your space and be appropriate for the structure you want the rose to grow on.
If you just planted your climbing roses, be patient, as they may take a while to get established and start blooming. Also take into account that climbing roses can vary in height depending on the local climate.
Climbing roses like all roses have dozens of colors you can choose from. Another important factor to consider is how often they will bloom as we stated before climbing roses will either bloom throw the growing season or just in spring.
Fresh Cut Garden Roses
Cut roses will live a little longer if stored in the refrigerator over night, this will help preserve your cut roses for an optimum amount of time, roses are a favorable flower to cut.
Nothing is better than fresh cut roses for a bouquet of lovely fresh sweet smelling roses. Few other plants can be displayed as beautifully as roses. The aroma and buds bursting in to existence will give a lift to the grayest of days. A vase full of red, yellow, blue or any other color of freshly cut roses on a table as a center piece or mantle will add grace to a room. Fresh cut roses will fill your living space with positive energy.
Keep your fresh cut roses for as long as possible by cutting them properly. You don’t have to be a grand gardener to cut roses. It doe’s help to know there is a procedure to cutting roses that will give better results than just snipping them and tossing in a vase. Follow a few easy steps to keep your fresh cut roes alive longer. First before you head out to the garden, find a bucket and put ample hot water in it. Take a holding container with hot water along. Put cut roses in the water about ten seconds, remove them to the holding container there till the water cools to room temperature. Flowers with longer stems should be chosen so you can trim again to fill out an arrangement. Use clean shears that are very sharp for precise cuts. Always cut above the bud to ensure new growth is not stunted.
You want to be able to cut roses again in the future. The best time to cut roses is when temperatures are cooler. So you need to roll out very early or wait till late afternoon to cut roses. This is the time when the bloom and upper cane of the rose will have the most plant sugar in it.
The worse time to cut roses is midday or when ever temperatures are hot. Pick buds that are opening but not completely in bloom. Don’t cut to many leaves on a rose stem or you will starve the plant. Discard any leaves that will end up sitting below the water line in the vase. Your cut roses will need more than water to maintain their stellar good looks. Be sure to add a floral preservative. If you don’t have any, mix a bit of lemon juice and sugar together and drip into the vase. Cut roses need a tidy vase to live in. Change the water every time it begins to get dirty.
Store the cut roses in a shady low temperature area before you show them off and when ever you leave the house. If your cut roses start to wilt don’t get upset. Try cutting the ends of the stems again and place them in clement water for and hour or so. This will help water travel through the stems and put off wilting for awhile.
Hybrid Tea Roses
Hybrid tea roses are a rose that will add greatness and beauty to your garden, yard or just on the patio near a window so you can see your hybrid tea roses every time you look out.
Hybrid tea roses, a cross between hybrid perpetuals and old fashioned tea roses, are rose royalty. They are the most popular rose in the world and perhaps the most popular flower. Hybrid tea roses have all the virtues you look for in a flower, fragrance and easy care.
Hybrid tea roses generally produce only one bloom at the end of the stem, rather than clusters of flowers. They have an open rather than bushy habit. Most hybrid roses have repeat blooms throw the growing season with some degree of fragrance.
A signature of hybrid tea roses is the long, pointed buds that open slowly unfurling. Plants will grow anywhere from three to six feet tall depending on the variety and the growing conditions. The long, strong stems make them great cut flowers. Hybrid tea roses have been cultivated in almost every color except blue, with many extraordinary Bi-colors to choose from.
As with any type of plants, not all hybrid tea roses are created equal. However, the idea that hybrid tea roses are fussier than other rose types is unwarranted. The key as always, is to choose a variety suited to your climate and zone. If summers are dry, look for hot tolerance and vigorous root systems. Be extra certain of zone rating if you live where winters are harsh and provide extra protection. Roses with thick petals are hardier in variable weather and last longer as cut flowers.
If your hybrid tea roses come bare rooted, remove packing around the roots and soak them in a bucket of water for at least two hours and up to twenty four hours. Be sure your soil is loose and rich with compost. Dig a hole large enough to spread the roots, usually twelve to eighteen inches in diameter, make a cone shape mound in the middle with soil, spread the roots out over the mound. Check the depth of the rose in the hole by placing a shovel handle across the hole. Fill the hole half way with soil and water to remove any air pockets. Finish filling the hole with water and soil. Once the hybrid tea rose planted you can prune the top growth.
Water the soil, not the leaves, to prevent disease water deeply to encourage roots to grow strong, deep roots will help your hybrid tea roses survive periods of drought.
Hybrid tea roses, being repeat bloomers are heavy feeders and need regular applications of food. Start in early spring either a month before new growth or when you remove winter protection. Continue feeding weekly on every other week depending on the fertilizer being used. Choose a balanced fertilizer or one labeled for roses.
Hybrid tea roses should be mulched to cool the roots and conserve water. Add a three to four inch layer of mulch in spring, when removing winter protection.
Pruning Rose Trees
Tree roses come in delightful array of colors, fragrances an types. Tree roses need extra care to maintain their shape and symmetry. Proper pruning of the tree rose can result in a healthier tree with more abundant blooms.
Pruning tree roses most aggressively during late winter early spring, when the tree rose is dormant, the leaves have all dropped off and there is no sign of growth. Remove all dead and diseased wood.
Remove any canes that are crossing and on top of each other, prune out spindly twigs and branches out of the center of the bush to ensure light and air can circulate.
Prune back leggy canes on the tree rose extending beyond the tree roses shape back to the bud or bulge. When your pruning tree roses keep the over all shape as symmetrical as possible so that the foliage will fill in evenly during growth and blooming.
Clean up the debris from pruning tree roses and dispose of properly to keep pests and disease from wintering on the trimmings.
When pruning tree roses watch out for and remove any suckers that appear from the trunk or around the root, which can happen through out the season. Cut them as close as possible to their base.
Pruning tree roses gently during blooming and growing season. Trimming back canes that get to leggy, to maintain the roses symmetry.
Pruning tree roses for blooms, if you want to stimulate blooms, cut the rose branch at a five leaf cluster. Prune about one forth inch above where the leaf stem meets the branch, the new bud is tucked in there.The resulting branch will be shorter and bloom sooner.
Keep an eye out for die back, branches that turn yellow or black then die, or diseased wood. This can happen through out the growing season and should be taken care of promptly.
When pruning tree roses don’t spray water on the tree rose immediately after pruning or you may increase the risk of infection on the cut, and always prune at an angle to prevent standing water on the open wound of the branch.
Over Coming Rose Fungi
Rose fungi can be avoided if you Remove plant litter, prune properly and ensure the drainage is good, with good air circulation before resorting to a cemical cure. Roses do not take to fungicide and pesticides very well.
Most rose diseases are caused by attacks on your plants by different kinds of rose fungi, good news is no matter what kind of rose fungi is damaging tour roses, the treatment options are virtually the same.
To start, there are several things to do to prevent your roses from attracting fungi is to
water the soil not the plant.
Rose fungi, will be attracted to any moisture on leaves, blooms, and stems. Check on a regular basis for exposed canes because rose fungi can find its way into the plants this way. Try to keep the plants clean and remove any plant litter, particularly any fallen leaves and petals that gather at the base. Any canes, leaves, or blooms that are suspect should be removed right away.
You should always throw these away or burn then. You should not use suspect plant litter in your compost pile, This would only add to your rose fungi problems. There are different ways to spot rose fungi, the fungi Diplocapon Rusae causes the rose fungi disease known as black spot . This disease starts with small black spots surrounded by a yellow halo on the leaves and can eventually cause a complete defoliation if you do nothing to treat it. Powdery mildew is another kind of rose fungi that attacks roses. Young leaves can curl and die and young canes may not grow as fully as they should. You can spot powdery mildew from the white coating on buds, stems and leaves. This mildew spreads rapidly during humid weather.
The rose fungi Botrytis Blight affects the flower buds, buds can decay and even die. The fungus is grayish-black in color and the lesion will develop below the bloom head. You need to cut off and remove any decaying or dead blooms to prevent the spread of fungus.
Rust that looks just like rust on your car, can first appear on the under side of leaves. If
not treated, orange and brown canker fungus can attack any portion of the plant that is above the ground. Brown canker can kill the entire stem.
If you spot red or purple spots on new canes or gray white lesions on more mature stems then you might be decaying with brown canker. If you discover you have rose fungi you should try to remove any infected leaves, blooms, and canes. You can spray with fungicide, you can purchase on line. Or mix up your own homemade version, a mix of water,baking soda and liquid dish soap, is effective in fighting rose fungi problems. Most fungus spreads through splashing water so it is important to remove decayed leaves and infected canes and blooms. Not removing these makes it easier for rose fungi to spread from one part of the plant to another and even to other plants.
Rose fungi can be kept down by having good drainage and air circulation. Water at the base of the plant not the leaves, also shady spots will only encourage moisture and fungi attacks.
Tree Rose Planting
The tree may be grown in containers and over wintered indoors. Tree roses should be planted in spring after the danger of frost has passed.
Choose a spot with well drained soil. The site should receive no less than six to seven hours of sunlight per day. Eastern exposure is best as the morning sun evaporates dew from the leaves, but a southern or western exposure also will work. Avoid northern exposure.
Dig a hole twice as wide and deep as your tree root ball. Mix soil removed from the hole with a good compost until you have a fifty, fifty blend of soil and compost. Refill the hole with the compost soil mix until it is just large enough to accommodate the root and places the graft between the root stock and the trunk stock two to three inches above the soil.
Place the tree rose in the hole and back fill with soil, make sure the tree rose remains straight as you fill the hole.
Insert a stake into the soil just outside the root ball attach the tree rose to the stake with at least two elasticized tree ties. Place the ties two to four inches above the graft between the root stock and the trunk stock one to two inches below the graft between the trunk stock on the tree rose.
Apply one to three inches of mulch around the base of the tree rose. Pull back from the trunk to prevent damage. Make sure the mulch doe’s not cover the graft between the root and the trunk stock.
If you are growing your tree rose in a container, place rocks or pieces of broken clay pots in the bottom of the container. Fill the container, sized for your mature tree rose, with a general potting soil.
Plant and stake the tree rose as you would in the garden. Tree roses need to be dead headed when blooms fade. In spring, just after bud break, prune off dead and broken branches. Prune back foliage that has powdering mildew or black spots.
Fertilize your tree rose three times a year, early spring when flower buds are swelling, just after flowering and then in late summer after most blooms have faded.
When your tree roses loses its leaves in fall, wrap the entire plant with burlap, leave the top open and secure with twine. Or you can just dig up your tree rose and store it in dampened peat moss in a warm garage or basement, if planted in a container just bring it in side for winter.