What is Humus?

The need for constantly replacing organic matter in soil lies in its vital role in building up the humus content. But what is humus? Actually, nobody really knows. It is somehow tied up with lignin (a substance from wood), with protein and a colloidal complex – that about states what we know about it. The … Read more

Garden Tools

Garden And Yard Planting Tools Garden Tools for every gardening need and a whole lot more, there are different types of shovel for all types of materials that need moving , or soil that need to be dug, hoes for weeding, spades for planting ,forks for handling weed waste, hay moving , breaking up large … Read more

Driveway Design and Planning Tips

What material do you recommend for the building of a driveway? Many materials make satisfactory driveways, but much depends on whether the drive is straight or curved, flat or sloping, in cold country or warm. A good, cheap driveway for a level drive in the New York area can be made of either cinders mixed … Read more

Working with Sandy Soil

We have a sandy lot and wish to enjoy good results. Should we put black topsoil on? Yes. Extremely sandy soil needs loam but also plenty of organic matter. What depth of topsoil should we use on sandy ground? Add 3 inches of loam and spade to a depth of 6 inches. However, without additional … Read more

Green Manure Crops

What is a green manure crop? A cover crop? The term “green manure crop” refers to any crop that may be turned into the soil in an undecomposed, green tissue stage. In contrast, a cover crop refers to a more or less permanent crop used for the purpose of preventing erosion. How are green manure … Read more

Organic Fertilizers

What is organic fertilizer? An organic fertilizer is one which is derived from organic materials – plant or animal substances. All are compounds of carbon. Some of these materials, such as cottonseed meal, bone meal, tankage, and castor pomace, may add small amounts of humus as well as nutrients to the soil. Others, such as … Read more